Smart Eaters Club

Monday, October 02, 2006

You are What You Eat! Your health and
at times even your life depends on
the food you eat or don't eat. LOVE LIFE! LIVE WELL!

Our popular "Cook Right! Eat Right! " series of
workshops organised for members of the Women's Wellness Club of a Business and Professional Women Association, Friends of the Museum and the public attracted the health conscious and the health seekers...
the ones who wish to eat smart, cook right and eat right.

We have identified two broad categories of such busy professionals and business people who say:
a) I'd like to cook most of my meals right. How do I select the right ingredients
and where do I go to buy them?
b) I'd like to eat healthily but I eat out very often. Where can I go to eat
healthy meals?

Our Smart Eaters Club is formed just to meet all your needs!! It is also
a place for the Smarter eaters to share their knowledge and experiences with
the yet-to be Smart eaters.

Become a select group of smart eaters and together, let's enjoy the benefits of good
wholesome food, great health, beauty and quality of life.

More details on the activities coming up!!

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